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Parent and Teacher Association (PTA)

HELLO! Welcome to the Portishead Primary School PTA!

We're a small, friendly group of parents who fund and organise the school's key social and fundraising events from the summer and Christmas fairs to Fireworks night, discos and pantomimes.

Each class has a school rep and they help us share information.

We work closely with the headteacher to help ensure that the money we raise is used alongside the school budget to make the most difference to children.

Our work has helped fund the outside play equipment, pirate island, i-pads, the hall staging and sound system, books and library redevelopment, wet play games and much more.

Whilst the fundraising is important, our events help  open the school to the community in an informal way and help build relationships. It is a very important element of the school vision.

Our committee is led jointly by our Chairs, Dione,Lou and Lucie.

We meet termly on an informal basis and more details can be found here and by following our Portishead Primary School PTA Facebook page