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The National Nurturing Schools Programme is a programme that allows staff to develop and embed a nurturing culture throughout their schools. It enhances teaching and learning and promotes healthy outcomes for children and young people. The programme focusses on emotional needs and development, as well as academic learning in a whole school environment and enables schools to gain recognition for achieving a higher level of nurturing provision.

Some of the things that are happening at Portishead Primary:

  • Recognising and celebrating children’s achievements
  • Recognising and celebrating neurodiversity
  • Recognising and celebrating kindness and inclusion
  • Teaching our children about emotions
  • Equipping our children with the tools to be able to regulate their own emotions and behaviour
  • Creating safe spaces for children when they experience big emotions
  • Training all of our staff so that they understand the Six Principles of Nurture.
  • Having a Nurture Hub created in one of our cabin classrooms ready for opening in September
  • Recruiting staff to run our Nurture hub

Ways you can work in partnership with us to support your child:

  • Attend parents’ evenings and keep in touch with your child’s teacher about any changes that may affect their behaviour in school
  • Attend school events such as performances and fairs where you are able to. The children tell us they feel very happy and proud when they see their parents and grandparents in school.
  • Support your child with any home learning and encourage them to talk about what they have been learning in school where possible. When children share with you at home, it reinforces learning and gives them confidence to succeed in the classroom.
  • Check posts on Class Dojo to see what your child has been up to in school.
  • Ensuring you read correspondence from school such as the newsletters so that your child is always equipped for events in school.
  • Establish good routines around sleep, food and hygiene so that children are ready for school.
  • Reach out to school for support if you need it.

What does this mean for our children?

  • We track the social and emotional needs of our students from when they start with us in EYFS up until they leave us. We do this so that we can spot potential issues early on. This is done through Boxall Profile assessments.
  • We offer the students plenty of opportunities to talk about their thoughts and feelings.
  • When teachers plan to deliver the curriculum, they consider the varying emotional and social needs of the students.
  • We deal with behaviour in a consistent manner following our Behaviour Policy and support students to discuss their feelings.
  • Children who need it have Behaviour Support Plans which are shared with parents for input from home to ensure a consistent approach.
  • We listen to the child’s thoughts and opinions through school council meetings and circle times.
  • We prepare the children for changes in life, such as moving to a new class or school
  • We make the children feel safe and secure whilst at school.
  • We understand that children learn at different ages and stages, so our curriculum looks different for different children.
  • Every classroom uses a visual timetable to support all students.
  • We understand that sometimes students are finding things difficult and therefore adapt plans daily to support them.
  • From September, we will be using Zones of Regulation with students and staff to promote emotional literacy and good role modelling.
  • We are developing the use of Zones kits in classrooms and some staff offices to support children to regulate their emotions when they are not able to regulate in class.
  • There will be Nurture Nooks in every classroom that children can access if they feel they need some time out or space to regulate.

What Does This Mean For Our Staff?

  • We have provision in place for staff wellbeing.
  • Staff are included in decision making and planning. Staff are actively involved in Nurturing Schools.
  • Staff feel respected, valued and supported.
  • Staff are able to access relevant training.
  • Our school development policies will include reference to the Nurturing Schools Programme.

What Does This Mean For Parent/Carers And The Community?

  • We aim to make all visitors feel welcome to our school.
  • We work with parent/carers and the wider community.
  • We involve parent/carers and the community in our plans.
  • Parent/carer evening include reference to the emotional and social progress of the student.
  • Parent/carers and the community support our work