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British Values at PPS

At Portishead Primary School, we actively promote British Values, as defined under the Ofsted guidance, through our school vision, ethos, agreed rules, curriculum and teaching:

‘ensure that they and the school promote tolerance of and respect for people of all faiths (or those of no faith), cultures and lifestyles; and support and help, through their words, actions and influence within the school and more widely in the community, to prepare children and young people positively for life in modern Britain’.


The government define these values as

  • Democracy
  • Rule of law
  • Individual liberty
  • Mutual respect
  • Tolerance of those of different faiths

At Portishead Primary School, we value the diverse ethnic backgrounds of all pupils and families and undertake a variety of events, lessons and activities to celebrate these. We have found this approach to be enriching for all parties as it teaches respect for the differences in our community and the wider world. Underpinning all of this, are a range of curriculum topics which we use to challenge stereotypes and promote inclusion. We actively challenge children, staff or parents expressing opinions contrary to fundamental British Values, including ‘extremist’ views and will seek support from outside agencies to deal with all types of prejudice where appropriate.

To promote these values:

  • We have a clear school vision with our three core values that are promoted across the curriculum and in assemblies – Relationships, Partnership and Achievement.
  • We have an elected school council where pupils’ voices are heard and contribute to the development of the school.
  • Pupils have the opportunity to complete annual questionnaires.
  • Year 6 children write applications to be selected for the roles of House Captain for the academic year. These children are selected to represent the school vision and our core values.
  • We ensure that all assemblies and curriculum content reflect the diversity of our country and challenge stereotypes.
  • We actively promote gender equality.
  • Children are taught the principles of Safeguarding
  • The school has a clear Anti-bullying Policy and reinforces this each year through age-appropriate themed activities during Anti-Bullying week.
  • We use the "Jigsaw" scheme as the basis of PSHE lessons
  • We hold acts of collective worship and assemblies
  • Pupils are taught the value and reasons behind laws, that they govern and protect us, the responsibilities that this involves and the consequences when laws are broken. Visits from community groups such as the Police, PCSOs, Fire Service, RNLI etc. are regular parts of our calendar and help reinforce this message. In the broad and balanced curriculum that we deliver there are opportunities to discuss these. We take part in education programmes run by Avon and Somerset Police that promote the rule of law.
  • Pupils are actively encouraged and supported to make informed choices, to know and exercise their rights and personal freedom, and are aware of the responsibilities that come with them, for example through our e-safety policy.
  • Our positive behaviour policy encourages tolerance and mutual respect.
  • The diversity of our community is recognised and celebrated on our school signs, displays and throughout the curriculum.

We value that we live in the United Kingdom. We recognise that the cultural wealth of our community comes from its diversity. Through learning we recognise that inequality and prejudice has existed and still exists. We teach that it is not appropriate to discriminate on the grounds of gender, ethnicity, culture, religious views and sexuality. This is done in an age related way. Children will understand for example that in some parts of the world girls do not have access to education just because they are girls.