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School Uniform

Our uniform with logo can be obtained from The Sports Shop on the High Street, Portishead.  

Portishead Primary School Uniform Expectations 

Hairstyles – must be neat and tidy. The use of hair dye to achieve unnatural coloured looks or styles are not permitted.

Hair accessories – must be plain/minimal and black or in the school colours. Hairbands and bows should not be oversized or feature other shapes e.g. cat ears, unicorns etc.

Jewellery – Should be avoided where possible. One pair of sleeper ear-studs is allowed. Children will be asked to remove earrings for PE or cover them in tape. No other jewellery should be worn to school.

Make-up – Children should not wear makeup to school. This includes false nails and nail varnish. 




Light blue or navy polo shirt or light blue shirt


Plain or school logo navy sweatshirt, jumper or cardigan


Grey trousers, shorts or skirts (no leggings)


Plain navy blue, black or grey

Dresses (optional)

Grey pinafore or blue and white checked summer dress


A warm coat or fleece of any colour to increase visibility on the journey to and from school and when crossing the road

Non-uniform sweatshirts should not be worn instead of a coat or fleece.


Plain black shoes.

 Running, football or canvas shoes are not permitted.

PE Kit

Children wear their PE kit into school on their PE day.

Navy/black shorts, leggings or jogging bottoms, plain navy or school T-shirt. Daps for outdoor PE are not very robust to protect feet on the hard surfaces and in cold weather.  Football kits and branded kit are not permitted.

Children can wear their school jumper on top of their PE kit. If you would prefer to purchase a hooded sweatshirt with the school logo for PE, these are available from the sports shop. 

Children must not wear any branded kit, or their kit from sports teams they play in outside of school. 


Lost property is collected and stored in the school entrance.