Blue/Brew Monday
Today we are taking part in a number of activities to build on our culture of anti-bulling and speak kindness.
We hope you enjoy reading our latest news.
Check out our School Class Dojo page too for the latest events in school!
Today we are taking part in a number of activities to build on our culture of anti-bulling and speak kindness.
Yesterday Year 2 had a special visit from Richard Lancaster, who volunteers for the organisation Greenpeace.
Thank Dr Mike and to everyone in the NHS at this busy and challenging time!
What a fabulous start to their new topic. Thank you for their amazing costumes!
Our Year 1 children have reached the end of their fantastic Dinosaur topic.
Today children and staff are dressed for the Christmas period.
We are so proud of the DT outcomes children in Year 5 have produced.
How lucky are we to have such a talented and thoughtful chef!
We managed to raise over £380 pounds with poppies and mech available at the school gate.
Well done to all of our children who ran 2.6 miles.
Thank you to the Rotary Club for the kind donation of £1000
Mrs Moss arranged for our annual Christmas present collection to help families in need.