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  • Encouraging Healthy Eating

    Published 14/07/21

    Just one of the fruit carvings from yesterday - a watermelon shark!

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  • PPS Eco-Club attend the Greenseas bin opening ceremony.

    Published 12/07/21

    We are very proud to be part of the town's sustainability and environmental impact work.

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  • Dean Edwards Celebrity Chef visits Year 6

    Published 08/07/21

    TV Masterchefs Dean Edwards visited Year 6 this week and taught the children to make healthy beetroot hummus. 

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  • Building Tudor Houses in Year 2

    Published 08/07/21

    Children in Year 2 have really enjoyed their Fire of London topic.

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  • Year 6 Enjoy Activity Week

    Published 29/06/21

    This week we have been able to take our Year 6 children off site to visit Bristol Harbour.

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  • Healthy Schools Award for the 3rd Year in a row!

    Published 17/06/21

    Congratulations to Mrs Merriam and the staff team on this fabulous award which recognises the work we have done to support children as they have returned to school this year.

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  • Mr Riordan was 50 today!

    Published 11/06/21

    A big thank you to everyone at school who helped make this a very special birthday.

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  • Raising awareness of Eating Disorders.

    Published 08/06/21
    On Saturday the 12th of June Mr Riordan will be swimming 1.5 miles in the cold water of Clevedon Marine Lake to raise awareness of the work that Beat, an eating disorder charity, does to support those affected. During the pandemic there has b
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  • Supporting the next generation of teachers.

    Published 24/05/21

    On Friday Mr Riordan visited the UWE Frenchay Campus to give a lecture to the final year teaching students who were graduating.

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  • Anti-Bullying Awareness Raising

    Published 24/05/21

    On Friday the 21st of May we held a non-uniform day to raise awareness and further develop our anti-bullying culture.

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  • Playpods come to lunchtimes!

    Published 17/05/21

    The school has introduced playpods at lunchtimes for children who find this time of a day a bit of a challenge.

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  • An evening of Phonics with Mrs B and Mrs B-S.

    Published 29/04/21

    Thanks to Mrs Barrett and Mrs Blackmore-Squires who delivered an excellent information session for parents this evening.

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